Nightmare on 34th Street trailer: holiday horror anthology gets December digital release
Partially funded by an IndieGogo campaign, writer/director/producer James Crow’s holiday horror anthology film Nightmare on 34th Street – which has been described as a cross between Pulp Fiction and Tales from the Crypt – is now set to make its way out into the world and will be receiving a digital release courtesy of Wild Eye Releasing on December 5th. In anticipation of that release, a trailer for the film has arrived online and can be seen in the embed above.
Nightmare on 34th Street has the following synopsis: A mysterious and psychopathic Santa visits a small, rural town with a bag full of unusual gifts and twisted holiday stories featuring Krampus, a murderous St. Nick and killer carol singers that are certain to ruin the Christmas season forever.
The film sports a cast of 90, including Lucy Pinder (Strippers vs. Werewolves), Caroline Boulton (Infinity Pool), Dani Thompson (Powertool Cheerleaders vs. the Boyband of the Screeching Dead), Gillian Broderick (Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey), Ewen MacIntosh (Little Britain), Jon-Paul Gates (Werewolf Cabal), Olivia Hespe (The Madness of Tellaralette Seville), Brooke Norbury (Globe of Monsters), Andy Gatenby (Invasion of the Not Quite Dead), Adam Greaves-Neal (The Young Messiah), Mirabel Stuart (Autopsy: The Last Hours Of), Melanie Wilder (Jolly Good Christmas), Ilirian Bushi (Cardboard Fort), Robert Lowe (Primeval), Marc Zammit (Homeless Ashes), Karl Hughes (Three Blind Mice), Adam Thomas Wright (The Windmill), Eloise Henwood (Are We Dead Yet), and Pierse Stevens (House of Salem).
It’s always interesting to look over someone’s credits and see how many movies with eye-catching titles there are that I didn’t even know existed. For example, how did something with a title like Powertool Cheerleaders vs. the Boyband of the Screeching Dead go by without that title passing in front of my eyes before? Same goes for Strippers vs. Werewolves. There’s treasure out there that I need to seek. I’m glad Nightmare on 34th Street had led me in its direction.
What did you think of the Nightmare on 34th Street trailer? Will you be watching this movie in December? Let us know by leaving a comment below.
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