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WTF Happened to Dane Cook?

Specializing in fast paced story telling and observational humor… and being loud. Dane Cook can often be seen moving all over that stage as he uses his entire body to tell a joke. He also used social media to promote himself before that was even a thing. Mr. Cook comes off like your energetic roommate ranting in the living room after a few too man brewskis…and its kinda a beautiful thing to watch and like it or not, he was exactly what the world of comedy needed at that time. Dane Cook’s style was soon embraces by millions, allowing him to fill up stadiums with laughing frat boys and and comedy connoisseurs alike. He stole the hearts of many young people… and stole the jokes of many funny people… or just happened to have the same funny thought. The dude became more of a rockstar than a stand up comedian but as time went on, it seems many people have left this once stadium selling out comedian in the dust. With a few under-performing movies to his name and a comedy career that seems to have fallen off a bit, its time we take a look at just WTF happened to Dane Cook.

This episode of WTF Happened to this Celebrity is written by Brad Hamerly, and edited, narrated & produced by Taylor James Johnson. If you like this how, also check out their latest project for JoBlo – SCANDALS – including our latest episode on the infamous Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard trial. Watch it here!

The post WTF Happened to Dane Cook? appeared first on JoBlo.

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