Jackson Briggs is a war veteran and TBI survivor. Desperate to get back to the action, he is tasked with taking a war hero canine LuLu, that he once served with, cross country to her owner’s funeral, and to be put down herself, before he can re-join the army.
Once a great soldier herself, she too is suffering from her own PTSD, she has become aggressive and destructive. Along the way Jackson learns to connect with his one-time ‘partner’ and must deal with his own health and past injuries.
Some good direction that played to the countryside of America with some lovely scenery. There was also some solid use of reflections, but other than this it was fairly un memorable.
Channing Tatum plays the tile role of Jackson, and he is – just okay. I was not really blown away by his performance. I have not really seen him in much other work, but I felt he struggled a little with the heavy story line.
The dogs they have that play LuLu are all very well trained, and make me wish I had a dog but I don’t have the time for one.
The theme of war and the injuries both physical and mental are very prominent.
Jackson felt a little too antagonistic towards LuLu at times, especially since she’s an animal after all – and he treated her more like a human (considering she did have a human job).
I liked the finality of their ‘friendship’ and that they grew to like each other (she finally gave him cuddles when he realised the seriousness of his own injuries).
Some of the arcs within the film felt like they were only added to extend the runtime (The drugged/kidnapped by Gus and Tamara at the farm, the hotel scam).
There is a fun soundtrack while Jackson and LuLu are on the road in driving scenes, and a tender/sombre at times score during some of the heavier moments.
Possibly because I don’t have a dog myself, I struggled to really emote with this one – I feel that there was a little mis use of the relationship between Jackson and LuLu – and Tatum struggled with the heavier role that should have gone to a stronger actor. This was in no means a fail, I just didn’t “love” it. Dog owners might enjoy it more.