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Zack Snyder talks about why a director’s cut of Sucker Punch is unlikely

Zack Snyder usually has a grand vision for his films, and a lot of his titles have been able to see an extended director’s cut released. After much demand for many years from his fans, the long-anticipated Snyder cut of the Justice League even got to see the light of day despite some scenes that had yet to be filmed. One of the director’s earlier titles is the action film Sucker Punch, which saw an ensemble cast of characters embark on a fantasy adventure that takes place in the mind of an institutionalized girl and her vision of escaping the facility she’s trapped in.

Snyder’s stylized film has its share of fans, and while not as numerous as the DC devotees, some are still holding out for hope that a director’s cut of the cult film is in store for the future. Collider reports on some bad news for that camp. The Rebel Moon director recently spoke with Collider at CCXP, where he addressed the status of an extension of that film. “The problem with Sucker Punch is the director’s cut still was just, like, extended scenes. It was more of a deleted scene version than a real, tonally different film. I think with a bunch of the director’s cuts, Batman v Superman, I think, is a really good example of really giving a different feeling as a movie. I think Sucker Punch has never really gotten that treatment. And so, in editorial, when we were cutting the theatrical version of that movie, it’s much different than I had intended with the footage I had and what I thought it was going to be.”

Recently, the director also expounded that the movie didn’t turn out quite like he envisioned. He told Total Film, “Sucker Punch is probably the most obvious example of straightforward, pure satire that I’ve made. And I still think I didn’t go far enough, because a lot of people thought that it was just a movie about scantily clad girls dancing around in a brothel. I’m like, ‘Really? Did you see Watchmen? That film is completely a superhero deconstruction from the drop, which is all Alan Moore. That’s the thing I’ve found really interesting and motivating throughout my career. And I think that, seen as a whole, it’s more obvious than on a movie-to-movie basis.“

The post Zack Snyder talks about why a director’s cut of Sucker Punch is unlikely appeared first on JoBlo.

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